Friday, September 10, 2021

Pubg Spectate After Death Cam

I highly doubt that's what op's talking about he's simply talking about how after you view the death cam, you are left with viewing it again or exiting back to lobby you can't choose to spectate the players after you viewed the death cam and vice versa you can't spectate enemies nor view the death cam unless your whole squad is dead anyways. Pubg spectate after death cam. I want to be able to watch my deathcam right away, then go back to spectate last killer (especially if the kill was fishy) or spectate mode, then be able to go back to watching deathcam currently, its just not available, or you have to wait for the round to be over.

pubg spectate after death cam

After the 16gb update today i can't seem to be able to click on the spectate, report, death cam or exit to lobby button after i die i put my cursor over them but they don't get highlighted and nothing happens when i click the same problem happens in lobby with the setting icon on the bottom right any fix?. R/pubattlegrounds: the largest community for playerunknown's battlegrounds on pc, xbox one and playstation 4. a central place for discussion, media …. The "spectate" button is where the death cam button used to be and muscle memory has me clicking it immediately after every death (pubg) is a competitive survival shooter. players are dropped into a wide, open area, and they must fight to the death - all while the battlefield shrinks, adding pressure to all in its grip. i died in 2nd or.

more info for pubg spectate after death cam download link file

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